I am a Chicago based artist who specializes in painting, sketching, and object making. I grew up in Kansas City, where I live when not at college for my Bachelor of Arts at Trinity Christian College. I have been painting, sketching, and bringing new ideas to life since 2020.

I like to create without an initial plan. My work is spontaneous and personal. I paint with a sense of freedom and excitement. Marks build off of each other to create new shapes, emotions, and thoughts. It is rooted in my faith and inescapable in my work. I am drawn to art that is playful, raw, and contemplative. My work often takes the form of paintings, sketches, and objects.

I have a deep love for vulnerability that is expressed in my process of creating and in the finished product. In a world that is often full of façade, any moment of vulnerability holds power. I strive to include moments of vulnerability within my work. I find that focusing on process-oriented making, highlighting the hand painted quality of my work, and expressing my faith, all tie into my passion for vulnerability. Through the honesty and playfulness of my work encourages the viewer to be vulnerable themselves, while finding beauty in the act.